
Across a Thousand Dead Worlds

Created by Alex T.

A sci-fi role-playing game for 1 to 5 players - explore alien sites and traverse undiscovered planets for fame and fortune, by Black Oath Entertainment!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Still waiting...
over 1 year ago – Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 01:10:11 AM

Hello, Everyone. I didn't want to keep you waiting for an update, even though I have nothing new to report.  I'm in the same position as I was a month ago, waiting for Phil to send me the final files. Judging by his last message, where he said he was almost done, I was sure we would have had the finished book by now, but this is obviously not the case. I wish I had some reason to give you guys, or somehow justify these delays, but this time I got nothing. I'm here sitting and waiting for Phil to send the final files, because there's literally nothing I can do, other than pester him (which believe me, I've been doing, even though I don't think that's really productive). Phil is very aware at this point of how late he is with delivering the files, and he hasn't really given me any concrete reason as to why he's taking months to finish the last few pages. I'm confident he will still deliver them, but I really can't tell you when, since he's not giving me any dates now.

The "good" news is that the game's there, and even though the scenarios are missing, it's all perfectly playable. I know of quite a few of you who have already started exploring the galaxy, and hopefully having a blast doing so. I'm always available via my e-mail or the Blackoath Discord, so if anyone has any type of question, you know where to find me.

So for now I'm afraid all we can do is wait, and hope that we have the finished game in our hands very soon! It's not the kind of update I like to post, believe me when I say this, but I just don't have any other news. Whatever it takes though, you can rest assured that you will have a finished game in your hands, even if it's the last thing I do as a publisher.

- Alex.

Updated PDF - not final!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Feb 01, 2023 at 02:33:37 AM

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Short & Quick Update!
over 1 year ago – Sun, Jan 29, 2023 at 03:46:12 AM

Hello guys, I know I'm super late with this update, but I've been delaying it purely because I was in one of those "just one more day, and I'll have good news" loops. I do have good news, as in the final PDF should be here any second now, but I'm afraid I don't have it yet.  I've been in contact with Phil and he's fixed the few issues you guys found during this last month with the first version of the PDF. Most of them were small stuff, but I'm now confident we've caught anything that could hinder your experience. Phil has also finished the Karum Station map, and is wrapping up the two scenarios that make the final, missing chapter. 

Once all that is done, I'll share the new PDF with you guys (single pages, as everyone has requested, understandably). I don't want to call it final yet because even though it will be content-complete, I'm sure you guys will spot little things to fix. This is fine, because the next step is working with our print to iron out the last details before printing, and that should give us 1-2 weeks to really make sure the file is ready to go. During that time, it would be super helpful if you started playing it and properly testing it, in case any issues pop up. It's been playtested for months so it should be fine, but you simply can't compare a potential pool of testers in the hundreds with the half a dozen people that helped me playtest it before and during the KS campaign. For that you'll need, at the very least, the character sheets, which have been done for a very long time; we just need to tweak a couple of things but I'll share them with you ASAP. The same goes for all the other exploration sheets that are maybe not necessary but definitely help keep track of what's going on.

According to what Phil told me last time we should expect the PDF any second now, so I hope I'll be back before the month is over. Once again, I apologize for the delay, the game should have been finished six months ago and it's extremely frustrating to have it within our grasp yet still missing some details. 

Talk to you soon!

- Alex.

Alpha PDF is here!
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Dec 24, 2022 at 05:58:43 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Almost there!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Dec 20, 2022 at 02:20:17 AM

Hello guys, many of you were asking for a new update so I'm back. I've been in contact with Phil and he's been informing me of his progress these last few weeks, and I don't want to jinx it but it seems that we're really, really close to being done. Phil is pushing hard to have the PDF ready before the holidays, and unless some unexpected issue appears it really looks like he'll manage. I don't want to make any promises because this is out of my control, but I do want to share my optimism, based on what Phil has been telling and showing me.

Speaking of showing, here's a few more spreads for your enjoyment! And for those of you who think this is difficult to read, Phil plans on working on a simplified version once he's done with this one.

What do you think, it's looking awesome, right?

For what I know, Phil has spent a large amount of days painstakingly creating each one of the weapons you see here (and the dozens more in the book), piece by piece. This ensures that the gear we have in Across a Thousand Dead Worlds is like no other, 100% custom made!

While we wait for this to be done, I keep preparing stuff for the game's next chapter; it's mostly note-taking but I now have a clearer picture of what will come next for ATDW. Even before it was finished I knew I wanted to tell a story in three chapters, but now the second one is really sketched out and I only need to fill in the blanks. It will take things in a totally new direction, so don't get too comfy on Karum Station once you start playing! I've also kept working on new games, and I'll be soon releasing not one, but two new solo-friendly RPGs: Path of the Aram Thyr, which is a progression fantasy RPG with a pseudo-Celtic setting, and Godshard, which has kind of turned into the spiritual succesor of my frist game, Disciples of Bone & Shadow. As you can imagine, these two games are smaller, simpler projects, but I think they are a lot of fun and there are tons of cool and original ideas in them!

So that's all for now, and if everything goes as I hope it does, I'll be back with the PDF in a matter of days! Just in case, I'd like to wish all of you who celebrate them: happy holidays, and have a great time with family and friends!