
Across a Thousand Dead Worlds

Created by Alex T.

A sci-fi role-playing game for 1 to 5 players - explore alien sites and traverse undiscovered planets for fame and fortune, by Black Oath Entertainment!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The books have arrived in California!
7 months ago – Sat, Dec 23, 2023 at 12:40:44 PM

Hello, everyone! Just a quick update to let you know that the books are finally in our warehouse in California. After several delays (without receiving any sort of explanation from the shipping company) they arrived 2 days ago. Unfortunately, some of the books arrived damaged, because it just couldn't be any other way for this cursed tome. We're in the process of sorting it out, but it really shouldn't mean anything to you guys, nothing changed (as you know, we made spare copies).

So as soon as this is all sorted out and Leo has organized himself, shipping will commence. I'm hoping that will be next week but with the holiday season in full swing things work really slower, as you all know. Worst case scenario we start in January, so the wait is almost over!

So that's it for today, essentially good news, and we're in the final step of the process. If you're a backer not in the Americas and are still waiting for your copy, please contact me at [email protected], because those should have all been delivered by now. I do know of a few which are still in transit due to the general ineptitude of the different courier companies (you would not believe the horror stories I have), but overall we're done with that side of fulfillment.

Once again, thank you all so much for your support and patience!

- Alex

Shipping Update
7 months ago – Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 03:26:14 AM

Hello, everyone! I'm back with another short update to let you know that I'm done with my side of the fulfillment! This means that all the books that weren't going to backers in the Americas have been shipped out. if you haven't received yours yet don't worry, some of them are still in transit. You should have received an e-mail with all the tracking information, though, so if you haven't please check your spam and promotion folders before reaching out (you can do so at [email protected]). It's been pretty wild, with some of you receiving vacuum cleaners instead of the book, UPS telling me that I was shipping packages that ranged from 7 to 30 kilograms more than once (and charging me extra for it despite me telling them that no, a book does not weigh more than 2 kg unless it's made of lead), and everything in between, but at this point I've seen quite a lot of you sharing the news that you got your book, and plenty of posts showing how you're playing the game, which is absolutely amazing. 

As for the boat with the books for the Americas, it was supposed to arrive in the US West Coast the 17th of November. It didn't, for reasons they didn't bother explaining us. I suspect the boat is indeed at port, but that it hasn't been able to unload the merchandise. At the moment of writing we don't have any updated ETA for the arrival of the books, unfortunately. This sucks and I know it's the last thing you wanted to hear, but there's little we can do, other than spam them asking them what's going on (which we're doing). In any case, time isn't being wasted and we're getting ready to receive the books and start shipping them the second they arrive from the truck to California, with the shipment having been cleared for US customs (which is why I think the books are indeed at the port, just not unloaded). I still hope we'll be able to ship the books before the holiday season is in full swing, and I will be keeping you up to date and let you know as soon as they give us any new info.

So that's it for now. Oh yeah! Before I forget, I have a new game coming to Kickstarter this Wednesday, so if you are in the mood for a dark fantasy dungeon survival game (solo, of course), keep an eye on the campaign

- Alex

Pre-orders open!
8 months ago – Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 10:58:06 AM

Hello everyone, I just wanted to wish you a fun Halloween night, and let you know that I've started taking pre-orders for ATDW. As I mentioned before I'll not ship these until I'm done with shipping to backers, that remains my priority. I do need the money though so if you can spread the word, I'd really appreciate it! 

I've also officially released the Starting Crew and Exploration Sites mini-expansion. You can now grab it as a PoD via DrivethruRPG

The ship to the US is still more or less on track, apparently it had a slight delay, with its estimated arrival in the East Coast now moved to the 17th of November (it was the 8th before). Keep in mind though that after that it must reach the West Coast for its distribution!

That's it for now. Have a great night!

- Alex

Non-Americas shipping in progress + some photos
9 months ago – Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 02:47:06 AM

Hello, everyone, I'm back with a short update! I've been very busy shipping my part of the books, and it's going slow but steady. At my current rate (and provided I don't have any more issues, such as the shipment company I work with blocking my account for 2 days because I was shipping too many books; yes, that happened) I expect to be done in about 2-3 weeks. It will still be well before the books arrive in the US, though. For those of you who want to track the boat that has your books, this is the link. I feel it's going terribly slow (it hasn't even crossed the Atlantic yet), but according to the info we have, it's perfectly on track. 

Shipping prices have already gone up since we charged you because of the holiday season (an average of 5€ per package but in the case to Oceania it's 10€), so if I'm being honest, I'm losing a lot of money. That's why I've decided I'll start taking pre-orders really soon. I'm receiving daily emails from people interested in the book and instead of telling them to wait I'd rather point them to the pre-orders, and hopefully cover this constant drainage of funds. I will not ship any pre-orders until I'm done with the shipping to backers, though. That is my priority.

In any case, many of you have already reported receiving the books, which is fantastic! I cannot wait to start hearing how your games go. And hopefully some more reviews too! Here are some photos of the book, for those of you who haven't received it yet!

That's it for now, as always, if you have any questions or need anything, please contact me ([email protected]) and I'll try to help. Have a great week!

- Alex

Copies arrived in Spain, shipping starts Monday!
9 months ago – Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 10:19:24 AM

Hello, everyone! I just wanted to let you know that the books are finally here with me! They arrived a week later because of the transport company literally losing the books (yes, they were lost in a warehouse for a week, apparently, today they confessed, after telling me conflicting stories the whole week). They're all in perfect condition and after spending the last 2 hours hauling 90 boxes packed with books up to my tiny apartment, they are safe and ready to be shipped! I recorded a very crappy video of the Murgo edition so you can see how the book looks, as well as the extras that come with this edition. Sorry for the quality, it's just my phone and I didn't edit the video:

The video doesn't make it justice, the book is absolutely gorgeous and the quality is fantastic. I'm super happy to finally have it in my hands after years of working on this project! I'll take better photos and share them with you in a few days.

So the next step for me is to start shipping them. I'll do so as quickly as I can, but I ask you to be patient, since it's hundreds of books. I think we'll do so in alphabetical order, since that's how Backerkit arranged the lists.

As for the US/Canada/Latin America shipment, it's still on our side of the ocean, going from port to port. It seems to be on track though so the original dates remain valid. I'll keep you posted of any news and changes!

- Alex