
Across a Thousand Dead Worlds

Created by Alex T.

A sci-fi role-playing game for 1 to 5 players - explore alien sites and traverse undiscovered planets for fame and fortune, by Black Oath Entertainment!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Digital Version Completed!
over 1 year ago – Thu, May 11, 2023 at 09:48:48 AM

Hello, everyone! It's great to be able to come to you with good news! As I'm sure most of you have noticed, the digital files distributed via DTRPG have been updated. This is the final update (unless some issues are found in the future, of course) and the version of the book that is being prepared for print. Together with the core book (we've made a compressed and high res version of the file, both screen versions, though), you will find:

- Character Sheet

- NPC Sheet

- Combat Sheet

- Combat Grid

- Voyage Log

- Creature Index

- Planetside Report

- Site Expedition Report

- Reference Manual

- 6 Battlemaps & tokens

Those of you who backed at the Xenoarchaeologist level are still missing the 6 exclusive maps, we'll distribute those via Backerkit once we're ready to lock the addresses and all that. Just as a reminder, both the tokens and 6 battlemaps (12 for Xenoarchaeologists) will have a physical version shipped with the book for all backers.

So what comes next? Phil's working on preparing the files according to the print's specifications, which is quite honestly a PITA. We need to make sure the colors used are all approved by the print, and that the files fit perfectly within the required specifications. Once that's done, the print can begin working on it. Next would be waiting for the print proof so we can approve it, before it goes into proper production. As usual, I'll update you guys along the way.

The digital version of Across a Thousand Dead worlds will most likely go for sale for the wider public next week, by the way! We'll stop taking physical preorders shortly after, too.

Speaking of things for sale, as you know I never stop writing and I've just released a new solo/co-op RPG: Riftbreakers! It's a high fantasy adventure RPG based on MMOs and CRPGs, so if you want randomly generated dungeons, randomly generated loot, crafting, and a deep character development system, check it out!

DTRPG (PDF and PoD):

Amazon (PoD, only premium color quality available and therefore pricier): (PDF):

over 1 year ago – Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 04:09:00 AM

Hello, everyone! I've been, once again, delaying this update because I was hoping I would be able to announce that we're done from our end, but unfortunately that's not the case. Phil finished the Player Aid document (which for now is only available via the Blackoath Discord), but he still must finish a couple of extra play sheets before the project is truly done (at least digitally). We also have a couple of fixes to the core book, and as soon as everything is finally ready I'll update all the DTRPG files, and send it via backerkit as well. This includes the battlemats and tokens too, of course! Those have been done for a year, actually, so there are no delays on that regard. 

The next step is to prep the files for print, as you know. I was really hoping we would be done with that by now as well but it seems Phil's taking longer than expected with the last files.

Once all this is sorted out, I will also start selling the PDF on all available platforms. The price will be higher than what you guys paid, though. So if you know anyone who's on the fence, now it's the last chance to grab the book/PDF at the KS price!

I've been slowly but surely mapping out the game's first expansion, as I mentioned before. I've also been super busy with new games and projects, because as you can see there's little else I can do right now regarding Across a Thousand Dead Worlds. I did compile a FAQ on the Blackoath Discord because I noticed people were asking the same few rules clarifications, so if you have any question about the game, it's probably there! And if not, I'm always happy to help.

That's all for now, as soon as the files are in my possession I'll upload them and we can move on to the final production phase! 

PDF's are being sent!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 10:52:44 AM

Hello! I just wanted to let you know that the PDF is finally being sent to all backers via DTRPG, so check your emails! We are still missing a couple of the sheets and the Player Aid, but the PDF is finally complete, and the important sheets are all there. I'll upload the file as soon as we have the missing sheets, of course.

This is a very important milestone for us, and I want to really thank you guys for all your patience. I haven't forgotten about my promise to include a couple of starting, pre-generated Sites to explore; I'm just waiting for Phil to finish the Planetside Exploration sheet, so I can upload it.

Hope you enjoy the game. Next step: finish the sheets and coordinate with the print to start printing!

Almost there!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 03:17:29 AM

Hello, everyone! Just a short update to let you know that the book is done, all the fixes have been implemented, the bookmarks are in (hyperlinks for the page references too), and the only reason why we haven't sent it to backers via the official channels (Backerkit and DTRPG) is because Phil is finishing up the different gameplay sheets and aids. I considered sending out the final PDF without them, but you can't really play the game that way (I suppose you could, but it's rather complicated). The player aids describing all the in-game procedures have also been updated, and these things are a real life-saver. They include:

- Character Creation

- Combat

- What to do before a mission

- Mission prep

- Site & Planet exploration

- Creature creation

I recommend anyone wanting to play the game to first read all the rules, but once you're familiar with the basic concepts, these aids should be all you need to play. They also include page references, in case you need more detail.

Once the final (and by final I mean for now, I assume we'll be fixing and updating things for years to come, such is the nature of game design) PDF is in your hands, we'll shift our focus to getting the files ready for print. This includes the battle maps and tokens, too, of course.  Like I mentioned before, the print is ready and waiting for us, and Phil already has the print's (many) specifications sheets to make it all work out.

Once the files are in the print I think it will be time for me to start actually working on the game's next phase. This is what I'm calling Chapter 2 in the game's story, and it will take your characters to a very unexpected facility... Suffice to say it will revolutionize the way the game's play, and even how you think about the game. I don't want to spoil it, but all I can say is that it will almost become a different game. Of course, the core book is not going away, the rules are not changing so I'm not actually making a new game, I'm just moving the setting's story forward. Yes, I want an evolving story for Across a Thousand Dead Worlds. This means that you, as a player or GM, can choose which chapter you want your game to take place in. You can have whole campaigns in Chapter 1 (the one in the core book), Chapter 2, or Chapter 3. Or you can take your characters from Chapter 1 to Chapter 2 and then Chapter 3, it's up to you.

I'm really excited for what's to come, so I'm sure you understand how eager I am to get this first book in your hands!

That's it for now, next time you hear from me will be via Backerkit, most likely!

Last PDF update!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Mar 06, 2023 at 09:03:37 AM

Hello, everyone! It's great to, for a change, come to you with good news! Phil's back and he didn't come empty-handed: the book is done! I've just uploaded the "final" version of the PDF to the Google Drive folder, but as usual, there are some caveats: 

- This PDF doesn't have bookmarks

- The "Page XXX" references need to be changed

- The glossary of terms needs to be moved to the back of the book

- A few other things need to be fixed

All these changes are in the works as we speak. This is the last version I'll share with you guys via the Drive, the next files will go via the proper distribution channels: Backerkit and DTRPG.

If you guys have any more feedback to give us, this is the time. It's already too late to make any sweeping changes to the book, but if any of you sees a typo (I seriously doubt it at this point, but we're only human) or some minor error please let us know. I'm confident the game will be published in very good shape.

Some of you have voiced concern regarding the complexity of the different procedures in game. I've been aware of this fact since testing the game, and for that I've written a few gameplay procedures gamelines. The problem is, I need to update them, and then give them to Phil so they look pretty. But yes, you guys will have access to these guides as soon as they're ready. This is also the case for all the gameplay sheets: we still need to update and add some missing ones.

So yeah, things are looking good, and the print is already waiting for us to send the files over. I'll keep you guys posted!